Bogazici University
Education Faculty
Department of Educational Sciences
International Books/Book Chapters
Melekoğlu, M. A. [Ed.] (2022). Mathematics difficulties - Dyscalculia: Diagnosis and intervention. Ankara: Pegem Academy, ISBN: 978-625-8325-75-1
Melekoğlu, M. A. (2022). Specific learning disabilities and mathematics. In M. A. Melekoğlu [Ed.], Mathematics difficulties - Dyscalculia: Diagnosis and intervention (pp. 1-19). Ankara: Pegem Academy, ISBN: 978-625-8325-75-1
Melekoğlu, M. A., & Yılmaz, E. (2021). Repeated reading and visual comprehension program student workbook. Ankara: Pegem Academy, ISBN: 978-625-7582-95-7 Click for the book.
Melekoğlu, M. A., & Yılmaz, E. (2021). Repeated reading and visual comprehension program teacher's guide. Ankara: Pegem Academy, ISBN: 978-625-7582-96-4 Click for the book.
Melekoğlu, M. A., & Öğülmüş, K. [Eds.] (2021). Dysgraphia - writing difficulties: Diagnosis and intervention. Ankara: Egiten Book, ISBN: 978-625-7527-39-2 Click for the book.
Melekoğlu, M. A. (2021). Specific learning disabilites and writing problems. In M. A. Melekoğlu & K. Öğülmüş [Eds.], Dysgraphia - writing difficulties: Diagnosis and intervention (pp. 1-12). Ankara: Egiten Book, ISBN: 978-625-7527-39-2 Click for the book.
Melekoğlu, M. A., & Anılan, H. [Eds.] (2021). Teaching Turkish in special education. Ankara, Turkey: Egiten Book, ISBN: 978-625-7348-23-2 Click for the book.
Melekoğlu, M. A., & Anılan, H. (2021). Teaching Turkish and special education. In M. A. Melekoğlu & H. Anılan [Eds.], Teaching Turkish in special education (pp. 1-14). Ankara, Turkey: Egiten Book, ISBN: 978-625-7348-23-2
Melekoğlu, M. A. (2021). Teaching Turkish techniques/strategies for students with specific learning disabilities. In M. A. Melekoğlu & H. Anılan [Eds.], Teaching Turkish in special education (pp. 501-554). Ankara, Turkey: Egiten Book, ISBN: 978-625-7348-23-2
Melekoğlu, M. A., & Melekoğlu, M. (2020). Adaptation of educational games for children with special educational needs. In M. Alkış Küçükaydın (Ed.). Educational games and current applications in primary school education (pp. 19-34). Ankara, Turkey: Nobel Academic Publication, ISBN: 978-625-402-334-7 Click for the book.
Melekoğlu, M. A., & Sönmez Kartal, M. [Eds.] (2019). Intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorder. Ankara, Turkey: Egiten Book, ISBN: 978-605-2234-94-5 Click for the book.
Melekoğlu, M. A. (2019). Legal regulations about intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorder. In M. A. Melekoğlu & M. Sönmez Kartal (Eds.). Intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorder (pp. 257-287). Ankara, Turkey: Egiten Book, ISBN: 978-605-2234-94-5
Melekoğlu, M. A., & Balıkçı, Ö. S. (2019). Language characteristics of individuals with learning disabilities. In F. Acarlar & Ö. Diken (Eds.), Supporting language and communication skills of individuals with disabilities (pp. 157-177). Ankara, Turkey: Pegem Academy, ISBN: 978-605-241-539-9 Click for the book.
Melekoğlu, M. A. [Trans. Ed.] (2018). Teaching communication skills to students with severe disabilities (3rd edition). Ankara, Turkey: Nobel Academic Publication, ISBN: 978-605-320-856-3 Click for the book.
Melekoğlu, M. A. (2018). The relationship between communication and literacy (chapter translation). In M. A. Melekoğlu (Trans. Ed.), Teaching communication skills to students with severe disabilities (translation from 3rd edition) (pp. 189-212). Ankara, Turkey: Nobel Academic Publication, ISBN: 978-605-320-856-3
Melekoğlu, M. A., & Sak, U. [Eds.] (2017). Learning disabilities and giftedness. Ankara, Turkey: Pegem Academy, ISBN: 978-605-318-804-9 Click for the book.
Melekoğlu, M. A. (2017). Causes and characteristics of specific learning disabilities. In M. A. Melekoğlu & U. Sak (Eds.), Learning disabilities and giftedness (pp. 24-52). Ankara, Turkey: Pegem Academy, ISBN: 978-605-318-804-9
Melekoğlu, M. A., & Balıkçı, Ö. (2017). Children with specific learning disabilities. In A. Arı & M. Sönmez Kartal (Eds.), Introduction to special education for all teacher training programs (pp. 149-170). Konya, Turkey: Egitim Publishing, ISBN: 978-975-247-5007 Click for the book.
Melekoğlu, M. A. (2016). Teamwork and special education environments in special education. In V. Aksoy (Ed.), Special education (pp. 151-179). Ankara, Turkey: Pegem Academy. ISBN: 978-605-318-596-3 Click for the book.
Melekoğlu, M. A. (2014). Special education today in Turkey. A. F. Rotatori, J. P. Bakken, S. Burkhardt, F. E. Obiakor, & U. Sharma (Eds.). Special education international perspectives: Practices across the globe (pg. 529-557). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-78441-096-4 Click for the chapter.
National Books/Book Chapters
Melekoğlu, M. A., & Anılan, H. [Eds.] (2021). Literacy instruction in special education. Ankara, Turkey: Vize Academic, ISBN: 978-605-7989-71-0 Click for the book.
Melekoğlu, M. A., & Anılan, H. (2021). Overview of literacy instruction and literacy instruction in special education. In M. A. Melekoğlu & H. Anılan (Eds.), Literacy instruction in special education (pp. 1-17). Ankara, Turkey: Vize Akademik, ISBN: 978-605-7989-71-0
Melekoğlu, M. A. (2021). Literacy instruction techniques/strategies for students with specific learning disabilities. In M. A. Melekoğlu & H. Anılan (Eds.), Literacy instruction in special education (pp. 305-342). Ankara, Turkey: Vize Akademik, ISBN: 978-605-7989-71-0
Karaman Benli, G., Melekoğlu, M. A., Ersoy, B., Şimşir, B., Yalçın, G., Demirkaya, M., Gün Uyar, Ö., Sarıboğa, Ş., & Akın, U. (2020). Fun learning box teacher book. Ankara, Turkey: Ministry of National Education, General Directorate of Special Education and Guidance Services. Click for the book.
Melekoğlu, M. A., & Yıldız, G. (2020). Individuals with specific learning disability: Guidebook for families. Ankara, Turkey: Ministry of National Education, General Directorate of Special Education and Guidance Services, ISBN: 978-975-11-5497-2
Melekoğlu, M. A. (2020). Education of children with specific learning disabilities. In O. Çakıroğlu (Ed.), Special education II (Unit 6, pp. 129-152). Erzurum, Turkey: Ataturk University Faculty of Open Education, ISBN: 978-605-7638-83-0
Melekoğlu, M. A. (2019). Legal regulations in special education and special education services. In M. Melekoğlu & M. Sönmez Kartal (Eds.), Special education (pp. 47-84). Ankara, Turkey: Vize Academic, ISBN: 978-605-7989-40-6 Click for the book.
Melekoğlu, M. A. (2018). Placement approaches in special education and the least restrictive educational environment. In M. Çitil (Ed.), Inclusion in special education (pp. 21-39). Ankara, Turkey: Vize Academic, ISBN: 978-605-7989-27-7 Click for the book.
Melekoğlu, M. A. (2018). Students with learning disabilities. In O. Çakıroğlu (Ed.), Special education I (Unit 6, pp. 115-137). Erzurum, Turkey: Ataturk University Faculty of Open Education, ISBN: 978-605-7894-17-5
Melekoğlu, M. A. (2015). Evaluation of the students with special needs and the students learning the valid educational language of instruction. In A. Arı (Trans. Ed.). Classroom assessment principles and practice for effective standards-based instruction by J. H. McMillan (pp. 375-420). Konya, Turkey: Egitim Publishing, ISBN: 978-605-983-1024 Click for the chapter.
Melekoğlu, M. A., & Çakıroğlu, O. [Eds.] (2015). Children with specific learning disabilities. Ankara, Turkey: Vize Publishing, ISBN: 978-605-4551-98-9 Click for the book.
Melekoğlu, M. A. (2015). Introduction to specific learning disabilities. In M. A. Melekoğlu & O. Çakıroğlu (Eds.), Children with specific learning disabilities (pp. 15-47). Ankara, Turkey: Vize Publishing, ISBN: 978-605-4551-98-9
Melekoğlu, M. A., & Çakıroğlu, O. (2015). Evaluation processes for students at risk of learning difficulties. In M. A. Melekoğlu & O. Çakıroğlu (Eds.), Children with specific learning disabilities (pp. 101-122). Ankara, Turkey: Vize Publishing, ISBN: 978-605-4551-98-9
Memduhoğlu, H. B., & Melekoğlu, M. A. (2013). Manage special groups (chapter translation). In A. Aypay (Trans. Ed.). Classroom management for elementary teachers by C. M. Evertson & E. T. Emmer (pp. 211-243). Ankara, Turkey: Nobel, ISBN: 978-605-133-633-6 Click for the chapter.
Melekoglu, M. A. (2010). Learning disabilities, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, emotional/behavioral disorders. In I. H. Diken (Ed.). Inclusion in elementary schools. Ankara, Turkey: Pegem Academy, ISBN:978-605-364-097-4 Click for the chapter.